Thursday, November 25, 2010

Take a seat

Q: What does this bus stop say?

A: Get comfy, you'll be waiting awhile.

Just kidding. I have no idea how long the wait is. I was driving. But this looks much prettier on the street corner than a regular bus bench!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One step away from a loaded gun

I was riding up a crowded escalator today and I was jammed up against two cops in front of me. I looked up and this was my view.

I have to admit, it made my stomach turn just a little bit. I'm not sure I've ever been so close to a loaded (or unloaded) gun before. I know that there was no danger, that it wouldn't just accidentally go off right there on the escalator but part of me couldn't wait to get away from it. That was enough to make my skin crawl for the rest of the morning.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Confusion: my most frequently visited state

Do you ever get into an elevator and automatically press the button? And then realize you've pressed a button for a frequently visited floor in another building? And then press the "right" floor only to realize you've done it again? No? You haven't done that?

I would say that I haven't either, but that would be a lie. I totally pressed 18 and then 7 when I really meant to hit 4. Good going, SZQ.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Hello, New Favorite Television Show

It's incredible.

Who's seen it?

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What's wrong with this picture?

Do you see anything out of place here?

Snow! On 22nd Street! I have no idea how it got there or why it was there but it was real snow! I was walking home from the office (yes, on Sunday night) when I said to myself, "Step over the snow at the curb, you're not wearing waterproof shoes." I got about four steps beyond the curb and did a double take. "Snow?!" I looked back and sure enough, there was snow along the curb from 22nd to 23rd Street all along Broadway. Only in NYC, folks.

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Not the most scenic corner

In a city with elaborate architecture that's surrounded by water and breathtaking views, the last thing I expect to see is this:

Someone painting the corner of 23rd Street and 3rd Avenue. I obviously wasn't paying very close attention this afternoon when I snapped the picture because I didn't see the bus roll in. But there's nothing worth painting behind that bus! Now I guess I could admit that there's everyday beauty in the city and that this corner epitomizes city life: a bus stop, a corner bodega, cabs whipping cross-town, pedestrians trying to beat the light as they hustle across the street, chain-smoking students from the SVA carrying around canvases. I'd love some city art for my apartment but this probably but this corner isn's something that I want hanging on the wall of my UES penthouse. Hey, I'm collecting art for the future!

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Fashion Faux Pas Friday

There seem to be quite a few names for slippers: house shoes, bedroom shoes, etc...And none of them mention Madison Square Park as an appropriate place to wear them.

But yet that's what I saw tonight walking home from work. It's not like they were even remotely shoe-like. They were clearly slippers. Like the ones they give away at hotels. 3 star hotels.

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Sleepy Piglet

We went to our boss' house today for a team "off-site." And she had the best little statue on her mantle.

It's a sleeping piglet! How cute and perfect for me!! Must get one. Stat.

After the meeting, I met up with a friend in Brooklyn. After a little miscommunication, we ended up looking for each other on opposite sides of town (note to self: if you're at a chain restaurant, always mention which location). We decided to meet halfway but to get there, we had to venture through a rather different area of the Bk. One of the areas I passed had a dilapidated school bus that is currently functioning as an apartment. Hey- it's certainly bigger than some Manhattan studios. I would have taken a picture but they didn't have their shades drawn...

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Really, Whole Foods?

I completely forgot to blog about this yesterday. Not sure how that happened!

Anyhoo, I was at Whole Foods picking up a few things for a potluck event when I encountered this:

Twizzlers. Approximately twelve of them. For over $3.00. Ridiculous!! Whole Foods, even you can't get away with that.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


For roughly three years of my life, OG stood for one thing and one thing only: OnGossamer. An intimate apparel brand. But for the last five months, OG has had a new meaning: Olive Garden. And today, I convinced someone to go there with me. And what did we eat?

The endless soup, salad and breadsticks, of course! We tried two different bowls of soup, a few large bowls of salad and several breadsticks. And it was good! A true bargain at $8.95!

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Monday, November 15, 2010

He can't hear you but we can!

I had an out of state experience tonight and met my cousin at the Melting Pot in Hoboken. We were pleasantly surprised by Ladies Night Out- a three course meal for $20 each! We'll be there every Monday for that deal! But...the people sitting next to us were awful!

See her open mouth? That's how it was. All night. Let's call them "Janet" and "Chris." Chris was definitely his name but we never did catch hers. Anyway, "Janet" yelled at Chris the entire meal. We're not sure if he was hard of hearing, or she just had a naturally loud voice, but as we savored every course, I kept hearing about theirs. Things we overheard:

"Chris, duck is like chicken, you need to cook it thoroughly!" (Who gets duck at The Melting Pot?

"Chris! There's not much goat cheese in this ravioli, is there?" (Ditto statement about The Melting Pot above.)

"When we went to the fondue restaurant in Paris, they didn't give directions like they do here at The Melting Pot. I kept telling my friend she was doing it wrong!"

We busted out of there after our flambeed Chocolate Chip Oreo fondue. How is it that in the whole huge restaurant, we got stuck next to the crazies? When I looked back as we were leaving, I'm fairly certain that Chris looked jealous of our departure.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

A new Park Avenue icon

The Gansevoort Park opened earlier this fall. And every time I walk by it, I think it's a neat looking building. And then I passed it tonight in the dark.

How cool! Love that purple stripe up the side. In a stretch of Park Avenue that's relatively devoid of personality, the Gansevoort Park is a welcome addition! It's getting a bit too chilly now but I can't wait to go for drinks on the roof next summer! Is that really only seven months away?

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why is this weird?

This is not an uncommon occurance.

So why do I want to giggle every time I'm seated next to a dude at the manicure bar?

Yes, I know it's Saturday, not Sunday. I got this coming week's mani a day early because I couldn't stand the state of my nails for even one more day.

I'll probably be all thrown off tomorrow but I'm sure I'll find something else to do.

And in case you're curious, Siberian Nights. I couldn't find Russian Navy.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Dorm sweet dorm

Was it really ten years ago that I arrived at NYU and moved into the Brittany Residence Hall? Passing by there tonight, I remembered the details as if I arrived yesterday.

Staring up at the lit windows, I was thinking about the day my freshman roommates and I decorated for our first holiday season away from home. We bought lights from Duane Reade and hung them in the windows. And then we rushed downstairs to see how they looked from the street. Afterwards, we went to Silver Spurs for some sweet potato fries. I skipped Silver Spurs tonight, but I did stop to admire Brittany and think about the little freshmen, decorating for their first holiday away from home. And I realized, for me, just how long ago that was.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The metal above us

They put up scaffolding In front of the building next door to the office this week.

And I hate scaffolding! I pretty much refuse to walk under it. The detour takes me an extra minute to walk to work in the morning. Unacceptable!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Barefoot in a bar

Don't worry, I wasn't the barefoot one.

Stopped in at Pizza Pub to grab a slice on my way home from work and this guy had made himself comfortable at the bar. What you can't tell is that the restaurant was pretty packed. What a weirdo!

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign.

The sign that I better start training for this marathon. Ugh! What was I thinking?!

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Soapy cupcakes

We had a bit of a birthday celebration at work today complete with cupcakes. They were so cute. And beautifully decorated.

But they tasted like soap scum. Really. The after taste was like when you're rinsing your hair and you get a mouthful of shampoo. I will NOT be going back to the Cupcake Cafe. I'm sticking with Buttercup (or Sugar Sweet Sunshine or Magnolia or Billy's) from now on!

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oh Sunday

Sunday is traditionally Asian food and manicure night for me. But I had sushi last night and Chinese for lunch so I didn't need it again tonight. So my schedule got all turned around and switched up and I didn't get a manicure either. And now I'm starting the week like this.

Attractive, right?

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Meals on Wheels...

...Manhattan style.

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Friday, November 5, 2010

A visit to the Ex Lax Factory

Yep. That's what I did tonight. I visited the (former) home of Ex Lax.

The old factory in Brooklyn has been turned into luxury condos. We had a work party there tonight (in a coworker's apartment) and it was pretty cool. I'm still hiccuping.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ahhh, Brooklyn

I spent the day at our office in Brooklyn. It's like a different world over there in the Navy Yard. We had to stop by the management office to pick up new ID badges and saw some unusual office decor.

Classy, right?

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The sign

This morning was quite stressful (what morning isn't?). I got up (extra) early to rush into work before my team's off-site meeting at the Ace Hotel started at 9. I raced through a bunch of emails, crammed in a few conversations and flew out the door. Of course I realized I forgot a bunch of things at the office but kept going anyway. I arrived at the off-site frazzled and overwhelmed. I dropped my stuff off at our table and went downstairs to the restroom to wash my hands and gather my thoughts. And on my way back up, it hit me.

A sign from above. And everything today was, indeed, alright.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

It's Election Day in NYC and there was a voting station set up on the first floor of our office building.

But I didn't stop in. Why? Because I'm still not registered to vote. I need to take care of that. Stat.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm almost there...

As the end of my year of blogging approaches, I am feeling less and less inclined to blog every day. I'm not seeing interesting stuff. Or I'm just not interested in the stuff. I don't know which. I am so much busier now than I was before. But wasn't the whole point of this experiment to take notice of the small stuff even when I'm crazy busy and mixed up with the big picture? From today on, I'm committing to 59 more days of blog content that is new, stimulating and note-worthy. Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be more challenging than the first 306 days??

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